My Amazing Husband...and My beautiful Daughter

Sunday, February 28, 2010

My personal study:

I  am going to share some of my short musings as I travel through some personal assortments:
I am using the book "Secret Sayings Hidden Meanings" by Graham Cooke
"Every situation, good or bad, makes a withdrawal on our identity. We demonstrate our Christ likeness or our carnality. There is no one else to blame for this since we are in charge of who we are and how we show up.
It is not what other people say or do to us that defines our is our response. Jesus is the same towards us, yesterday, today and forever. His love for us is unchanging. He certainly does not love us according to our performance, maturity or immaturity.

Whether we do well or badly He is consistent in His heart toward us. He has a series of internal values that allow Him to be consistent."

In what way are you inconsistent? Do you give like for like...good and bad? Are you changeable, judgmental, treat people as they treat you? "

My thoughts:

Truthfully I am changeable on so many levels. For years I was consistent, but I had no feelings. I devalued myself so much, that I had no right to "feel". Everyone was before me. While this may have the resemblance of "Christ likeness" It was not. It was out of wounding, and a mode of self preservation. Now I "feel" for the first time...I have to learn how to let HIM change me to be like Him, and not dead. Before it was a not present state of I am learning to walk, to let Him be my yes I am still changeable, unconsistent, and I do want t treat others as they treat me, and yes sometimes judgemental. As the hard outer shell of deadness cracks off and falls away, I am left with raw emotion that He now has to change to be like Him.

The change would be to let Him Change me..."practice" with those around me. The Christ likeness will be real this time as I learn to value myself and let Him show up. To take on His Characteristics not the hard outer shell of self preservation that may "Look" like Christ likeness, but did not have the Heart of Christ.

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